Innovation & Arts

Laura Grant: Arts Citizenship Cup

Laura Grant PictureSince fall 2013, Laura Grant has volunteered as an educator and leader with Peer Diversity Education, an initiative of MRU's Diversity & Human Rights Office. She has contributed approximately 175 hours, and assisted in planning 15 on-campus events. Most notably, she served as a student facilitator for a transgender awareness panel, trained fellow peer diversity educators on gender and sexuality during a 2015 retreat, and contributed as the only student member to a MRU Pride-Week working group.

Laura was the founding president of the (SA)MRU Philosophy club from Spring 2013-2014 and has been an active participant ever since. During her time as president the club ran a student led seminar - a joint project with the University of Calgary - and founded AFFECTUS: Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy and Theory.

Laura has also made extensive contributions as a psychology research assistant. Since December 2012, she has worked for Dr. Bob Uttl, for whom she has tested hundreds of introductory psychology students on prospective memory, aided in literature searches, as well as in coding. In the winter of 2014, she worked as part of Dr. Anthony Chaston's lab on perception research and eye-tracking technology.